Resources and Updates for Act 129 Participation

Overview and requirements for Act 129

Act 129 legislation, which became effective in November 2008, requires Pennsylvania Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs) to cost-effectively reduce electricity consumption and peak demand on their systems. Subsequently, the Public Utility Commission issued a series of orders implementing the Act.

PPL Electric Utilities' filings and other information related to the energy efficiency and conservation portion of Act 129 Phase IV can be found below.

Phase IV (June 2021-May 2026)

Act 129 Phase IV Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan

Act 129 Phase IV Semi- & Annual Reports

Act 129 Phase IV Energy Efficiency & Conservation Plan Stakeholder Meetings

Please contact PPL Electric Utilities for filings and information related to the energy efficiency and conservation for Act 129 Phase I, II, or III. Please see the PA PUC’s Act 129 site for additional information.

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