Electric Generation Supplier Reference Information

Access the supplier portal

If you are an Electric Generation Supplier that would like to gain access to our secured website, please contact us by email at PPLUtilitiesSupplier@pplweb.com.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) resources for suppliers


Applicable PJM tariffs and agreements

Peak load contribution information

Learn how peak load contributions impact supplier operations, including essential data for managing energy usage and meeting requirements.

PJM & PPL Electric zone peak load dates

Transmission and capacity PLC calculator

PLC default values and loss factors

Documents for generation suppliers

Find essential information and resources to support supplier operations, including guidelines, tools, and key updates.

General information

Load profile information

2018 - Current

These load profiles will be used for calendar years 2018 to present:



Bill examples

Letter examples

Getting started as an Electrical Generation Supplier (EGS)

Review the steps to get started, including licensing, EDI test processes, and required documents.

Historical Price to Compare (PTC)

PPL Electric Price to Compare changes twice per year on June 1 and December 1. Review historical pricing and PTC rate calculators.

Communications archive

Review a collection of archived communications and notifications for electric generation suppliers.

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