Lighting and Attachments

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Resources for outdoor and LED lighting

Outdoor Lighting

Leasing your outdoor lighting from PPL Electric Utilities is a bright, affordable way to enhance safety and security. We work with you to design, install and maintain the right lighting system for your community or business. You'll find our monthly rates very affordable. You can also find information about pole attachment services. Click on a product below for more detail.

Outdoor Lighting Products

This service is available to municipalities and government agencies for public areas such as streets, highways, bridges, parks and parking lots, and to customers for lighting private roadways and their parking lots.

LED Terms & Conditions

(C) Indicates Change


LED street and area lights

Information about converting to LED fixtures

Street at night with street lights on

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has approved an LED (light-emitting diode) rate for PPL Electric Utilities customers that will apply to leased streetlights and area lights across our system with LED fixtures. PPL customers may request to convert their existing High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Mercury Vapor (MV) streetlights and area lights to more efficient LED fixtures.

The rates for these lights are for their maintenance and repair and do not cover the cost of the power to operate the lights. As with power for their home or business, customers can shop for their electricity to save money over the price to compare.

LED fixtures are longer lasting, higher light quality, and significantly more efficient than high-pressure sodium or mercury vapor fixtures thereby using significantly less electricity to produce the same light output.*

*PPL can’t guarantee cost savings through LED streetlight conversions.

Victorian-style lights. No option to convert this type of fixture to LED.

Customer portal for LED conversion

PPL provides a customer portal

Logging into the customer portal lets you get an estimate of the cost to convert existing streetlights or area lights to LEDs. You’ll need your account number and last bill amount to start the process. You’ll also be able to use the portal to place a request for conversions of some or all your existing lights.

There is an extra charge for high-end specialty fixtures. Inordinate Investment Charges (ICC) will apply for certain low-mount and high-mount light styles.

New LED lights/repairs

To request a streetlight, or a new light in connection with new construction, call Business Accounts at 1-888-220-9991 Must "say, speak" Option 4.

To request new Area Light or repair of an existing Area Light call 1-800-DIAL-PPL (1-800-342-5775).

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