PUC Net Metering Requirements

For any applications sized 500kW or larger, the following documents will be needed for PPL to prepare a Net Metering Approval recommendation to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).  

Site Plan and One Line Diagrams 

  • On the One Line Diagram, show the existing load, if applicable, along with the proposed DER. Include any existing/proposed batteries, EV Charging, DER/back-up generators, etc. 
  • On the Site Plan Diagram, show geographic features including solar location, distribution facilities and property boundaries (tax parcels)  

Parasitic Load Example Template
In a Word document, using the applicant letter head, provide the annual parasitic Load (kWh) estimate for the DER system. It may include but is not limited to: 

  • Customer step-up transformer losses 
  • Data Acquisition System 
  • Inverter System night-time drain 
  • Single axis solar tracking system 
  • LED lights on a motion sensor estimate
  • Surveillance cameras energy use estimate 

Ownership Attestation 

  • A dated Attestation Letter on customer letterhead should provide the following as an overview of the project:  
    • Project Name, LLC
      • The Attestation Letter should begin by providing the Business Entity (LLC Name, contact name, and position) relationship to the customer interconnected to the grid.  
        • If different, the project is a “Third-Party.” If it is the same, the project is “customer-owned.”  
      • Then, the following summary statement is needed: 
        • “I attest that the Project Name, LLC will be the owner and operator of the DER system that will be interconnected to the distribution grid.” 
    • Project Details
      • The Attestation Letter should also include the following project specifics, if applicable.  Details should include kW Nameplate Size, Location, Type (ground-mount vs roof-mount), and Lease/Purchase Agreement, and Required In-Service Dates.  
  • Each Attestation Letter is unique to the project and must be signed and again dated.

Name Change

  • The following “Name Assignment Agreement” must be used for any name changes. Ownership changes do not need to be captured on this document unless the new owners are also changing the LLC name of the project.

Operating Agreement (LLC Formation Document)

  • An Operating Agreement must be attached to the Attestation Letter to support the Attestation Project Name, LLC statement.
    • Project Attachment: The Operating Agreement also known as the LLC Formation document will not be included in the PUC Net Metering Recommendation Filing.  In addition, the OA should contain, but may not be limited to, the following: 
      • Certificate of organization filed with the Department of State 
      • Relationship to other LLCs, if applicable 
      • Date the LLC was established 
      • List of Members

Net Energy Metering RiderComplete ALL sheets on the attached form

  • Provide a tax parcel map showing the distance between the Host and Satellite account. 
  • Also provide evidence that the Customer-Generator owns or leases and operates both Host and Satellite accounts/assets. 

Changes to the interconnection application made after the Work Order is created may require a new submission of the interconnection application. Such changes include (but are not limited to): kW nameplate, Inverter manufacturer or size change, Virtual Metering Aggregation (VMA) addition/deletion, required In-Service Date, DER ownership (Customer-owned vs. Third-Party), and repetitive errors in the application (i.e. Application Level, missing signatures, multiple responses, etc.).

Requirements for CHP & Bio-Mass projects may differ from the above. Once your application is submitted, you will be contacted by DER Coordinator for additional instructions.

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