Third-Party Requests

Third-party access to demand and consumption history

Three self-service options are available to PUC-licensed electric generation suppliers and third-party providers at no charge, or we will provide this information for you for a fee.

Quick links

Helpful links to share your usage information

Ways to share demand and consumption history

The options are:
  1. Supplier portal self-service
  2. EDI
  3. Energy Analyzer
  4. Manual (there is a fee for this service). Authorization Form

Supplier Portal Self-Service

Approved registered electric suppliers have access to the Supplier Portal for self-service applications.

The portal provides evolving retail supplier self-service functions including ICAP/NITS, historical usage and historical interval usage.

To obtain a login to the portal, please email

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

If you are EDI-certified in PPL Electric Utilities service territory, you may submit an 814 Historical Usage or 814 Historical Interval Usage request.

If the account number is valid and the customer is active, the supplier will receive an 814 Accepted HU/HIU response. The 867 HU/HIU will follow. As part of the 867 HU/HIU transaction, KC = Capacity Obligation and KZ = Transmission Obligation values will be provided.

If the account number is invalid, the supplier will receive an 814 rejection response.

If the account number is for a lighting or unmetered account, the supplier will receive an 814 rejection response stating that historical usage is unavailable.

Energy Analyzer (customer self-service)

Customers can use the Energy Analyzer to see their current and historical consumption.

You can share your account with other users, including electric generation suppliers and third-party providers to provide them with online access to account information.

A third party must provide their username to the customer in order for the customer to share the accounts online. To share your account, search keyword “share account.” Sign in and enter the username of the third party.

Manual (see fee structure listed below)

PPL Electric Utilities requires a valid letter of authorization (LOA) when a third-party requests demand and consumption history for a business customer’s account. Bill copies will not be provided.

If you’re not using this form, please note that letters of authorization must include all of the following information:

  • Companies or individuals authorized to receive the information.
  • Where PPL Electric Utilities should send the information, for example, the authorized recipients’ mailing address, email address or fax number.
  • An expiration date. A release with no expiration date will be considered a one-time authorization. PPL Electric Utilities will respond to such authorizations only once.
  • The customer account numbers in body of the letter or on a separate attachment. Attachments must be signed and dated by the customer.
  • The letter must be signed and dated by the customer, with the individual’s printed name and title.
  • Submitter must confirm that they understand the fee structure and that they will accept the invoicing for the type of data requested.
Type of Data Fee
 Historical Monthly Usage - Provides up to four years of history  $5 per account
 Historical Interval Usage - Provides up to 12 months of history  $150 per account

Any authorizations that do not meet all of these requirements will be returned to the sender.

Authorization forms may be submitted to PPL Electric Utilities by:

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