What's Yours? What's Ours?

Answers about equipment responsibility

Ever wonder who owns and maintains the equipment used to deliver electricity to your home or business? Here’s an overview.

close up of person standing next to meter entering information into tablet

Call 811 before you dig

If you plan to repair, replace or upgrade electrical equipment, please contact a licensed electrician. To report problems with electric service, call us at 1-800-342-5775. Be sure to call 811 before all digging!

Underground electric service

Illustration of house that shows overhead electric service and what PPL owns

PPL Electric Utilities maintains the wires and facilities that deliver electricity and the meters that measure electricity use. The diagram shows an underground home electrical system and who is responsible for it. PPL Electric Utilities maintains the items in blue. You maintain the items in red.

  1. METER: PPL Electric Utilities owns/maintains the meter that measures electricity use.
  2. METER BASE: You own/maintain the metal box that houses the meter (meter base).
  3. TRANSFORMER: PPL Electric Utilities owns/maintains the transformer mounted on a pole (3A) or pad (3B).
  4. CABLE INSIDE CONDUIT: PPL Electric Utilities owns/maintains the cable inside the conduit from the transformer to the meter base.
  5. CUSTOMER CONDUIT: You own/maintain the conduit from the meter base to just below the ground, including the 90-degree elbow at the bottom.
  6. PPL CONDUIT: PPL owns/maintains the conduit from the 90-degree elbow back to the source.

Aboveground electric service

Illustration of house that shows overhead electric service and what PPL owns

PPL Electric Utilities maintains the wires and facilities that deliver electricity and the meters that measure electricity use. The diagram shows an above ground home electrical system and who is responsible for it.

  1. SERVICE DROP: PPL Electric Utilities repairs the wire that runs to your home, but we do not trim trees along the service drop. We will shut off the power at your request so trees can be trimmed safely.
  2. POINT OF ATTACHMENT: You are responsible for the anchor that attaches the service drop to your home.
  3. SERVICE ENTRANCE CABLE: You are responsible for the wire that runs along the outside of your home into the meter and from the meter to your service panel or fuse box.
  4. METER BASE: You are responsible for the metal box that houses the meter.
  5. METER: PPL Electric Utilities owns the meter that measures electricity use.
  6. SERVICE FUSE BOX: You are responsible for the box, the circuit breakers or fuses, and all of the wiring in your home.
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