October 2023 Residential Connect

It’s Energy Awareness Month. How energy aware are you? Find out!

Take our energy quiz as part of Energy Awareness Month. You may learn something about your energy use that you didn’t know. And, you’ll get some useful, money-saving tips.

Take the Energy Quiz
person adjusting room temperature

measuring insulation

Rule your attic

Controlling winter heating bills starts at the top — your attic. A sealed, well-insulated attic is an important part of the ENERGY STAR® Home Upgrade and ensures that your home retains more heat during cooler months. Get rebates of up to $500 for air sealing or insulation. Learn more at pplelectric.com/attic23.


girl looking in refrigerator

Flip your fridge and receive rebates

Receive up to $100 when you recycle your old fridge and upgrade to a new ENERGY STAR® model. We’ll pick up your old working fridge or freezer for free and you’ll receive $50 — plus another $50 when you upgrade to a new ENERGY STAR® certified model. Schedule your free pickup today at pplelectric.com/fridge23.


man holding a camera

We’re Proud to Power

We’re proud to power the individuals, businesses, organizations and major events in the various cities and towns that give our territory its unique character. Recently, in a new series called Proud to Power, we began highlighting some of the ways that we are going beyond our mission of providing safe and reliable power to help exceed our customers’ expectations.

Our work behind the scenes makes sure the communities we serve can thrive. For example, before the first home run was hit at the Little League World Series this summer, our team created a plan to ensure the lights and the games went on. Watch our video and learn more.


shopping cart with change and a light bulb

Be a smart shopper

Follow these tips to shop for an electric generation supplier and save:

  • Compare supply rates to the Price to Compare, or default rate, to see if you’re saving
  • Understand the terms of your contract and whether your rate is fixed or variable
  • Sign up for Price to Compare alerts to be notified when the price changes
  • Watch out for scams

For more information, visit pplelectric.com/ShopSmart.


house wrapped in a scarf

WRAP your home in energy savings

Cooler days are coming. Is your home ready? Our WRAP program offers free weatherization for eligible customers so you can live comfortably and save energy in your home, season to season, year after year. See if you qualify and apply at pplelectric.com/wrap.

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